Re: [ French ] question: French translation of "outreach" in EOWG

Hi Sylvie, Armony, Erwan, Jean-Christophe, Christian, Stéphane,

Thank you for your input into this question.

Background: e-mail thread
(for more, click [ Next in thread ])

I would like to finalize this decision.

The mission of the "Education and Outreach Working Group" includes: ... develop strategies and resources to promote awareness, understanding, implementation, and conformance testing for W3C accessibility standards...

Note the word "promote" in there. "Promote" is also throughout the EOWG charter <>. And, EOWG's outreach efforts are often called "promotional campaigns".

Therefore, I'm thinking this might be appropriate for the translation of the Working Group name:

 Éducation et promotion

Armony commented that "some friends felt like [promotion] sounds commercial". I wonder if that is not too much of a problem?
Armony also mentioned "dissémination". I think that would also be OK -- if it's a widely recognized term.


Final question: What would be the full translation of "Education and Outreach Working Group"?

Thanks much for your input!

(p.s. check the mailing list in the coming days for a request for more help on the French translations and glossary :-)


Received on Saturday, 3 October 2020 17:16:28 UTC