RDWG: Teleconference on Wednesday 15 May 2013 - CANCELLED

Hi Everyone,

Due to the W4A Conference next week the teleconference is cancelled. In
lieu of this can we please read:


and send comments back to Klaus for integration and the building of an
issue's list.

We will discuss this again at the next telecon in 2 weeks.


PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster
response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.

Simon Harper
My Business Card   - http://simon.harper.name/about/card/
Schedule a Meeting - http://doodle.com/simon.harper.name

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 14:16:25 UTC