Re: User modeling for accessibility symposium

Hi Christos,

This looks good to me, my only concern is the time. The seminar will run for 150 minutes, and I feel like it will be very difficult to keep people on the call for that long. Have you considered other ways to shorten the time allocated for each author? Will there be breaks in between the sessions?

On 4 Jul 2013, at 13:06, Christos Kouroupetroglou wrote:

> Dear group,
> Having yesterday's call cancelled we are sending you the agenda for the user modeling symposium so that you can comment on it and give us your feedback
> In general we are ging to split the main discussion in two sessions. Each one will discuss a number of topcs that you will see in the agenda. We have also prepared a set of questions (which we will share in the public email list) for each topic and selected authors to respond in each of them. We are going to inform authors about a week prior to the event on which topics they are expected to contribute so they are prepared but we will not reveal the questions in specific to avoid prewritten answers read from paper.
> So the agenda will be as follows:
> Introduction to topic and symposium (10 minutes)
> Session 1:  Technical aspects and the impact on accessible user interfaces (65 minutes) 
> ·         Impact on user interfaces
> ·         Gaps in user needs research
> ·         Other technical isues and privacy
> ·         Dynamic user models and methods for learning / updating user models
> Session 2: Approaches, methodologies and standards (45 minutes)
> ·         Approaches in modeling
> ·         Virtual User Models and other design practices
> ·         User Preferences and User Models
> ·         Ontologies/models alignment and standardization issues (Communication API’s or unified ontology?)
> Session 3:  Next steps and conclusions (30 minutes)
> Open discussion with questions raised from participants during the symposium.
> We are aiming at having short answers of about 2 minutes each so that we have coverage from many authors on a topic and also keep the pace up so participants don't get bored.
> Waiting for you feedback
> Regards,
> Christos and Yehya
> PS. The registration is open so please do not forget ot register and inform whoever you think will be interested
> ------------------------------------------
> Dr. Christos Kouroupetroglou
> Web Accessibility Research & Engineering
> Website:
> Blog:

Received on Thursday, 4 July 2013 12:25:21 UTC