Re: use of BibTex

Hi Shadi, all,

> Currently we use the BibTex entry @article for the Research Report and @inproceedings for the individual papers contributed to us. These two are currently not directly related from the BibTex information.
> Would it be a good idea to change @article to @incollection? It could make the Research Report an independent part of the Proceedings.
> Also the "series" field could be used instead of the "journal" to indicate that this Research Report is one in a series of hopefully many.

Ummmh...I'm not sure what's best.

According to Wikipedia [1],

@incollection is  "A part of a book having its own title".
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year
Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note, key


@article is "an article from a journal or magazine"
Required fields: author, title, journal, year
Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note, key

I think that @article or @incollection will make the research report independent anyways. If we want to convey that the current report belongs to a series of reports both "series" in @incollection and "volume" and "number" in article have this connotation for me. While I'm quite ambivalent about all this, perhaps we should focus more on whether we want "A part of a book having its own title" or "an article from a journal or magazine".



Markel Vigo
University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

PS: I check my email at 9AM and 5PM BST. If you require a faster response please include the word [fast!] in the subject line

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