[TC4R Symposium] comment

Dear All

In advance of the symposium today, I have a couple of comments:

1. I concur with the sentiment that the user needs flexibility/control (on a "one size fits one" basis) over the way in which text/content is displayed (whether via client side or server side technology) and that it needs to be very easy for the user to make the necessary adjustments (ie as easy as turning up the volume on a TV would be my analogy).

(The same considerations apply to word processing software).

2. Colour combinations can, necessarily, have a profound impact on ability of colour blind people (such as me) to read/process information.

eg red text against a black background is a xomplete non-starter for me; pale text against a pale background is akin to invisible ink etc etc.

In addition to authors applying some common sense when generating content, the ability to make adjustments is important to meet the needs of the individual concerns.

I look forward to joining the conference shortly.




Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 14:01:31 UTC