[Fwd: Euracert vocabulary]
[updated] Content-in-RDF editor's draft
Differences between XPointer and Xpath expressions
Draft ERT WG Charter available for review
ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 16 July, 2008
ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 2 July, 2008
ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 23 July, 2008
ISSUE-1 (earl-guide): Update the EARL Guide
Minutes for Teleconference on 16 July, 2008
Minutes for Teleconference on 2 July, 2008
Problems with use of rdfs:domain in RDFS
Summary of ERT WG teleconference on Wednesday 23 July, 2008
Tracker installed for ERT WG
Last message date: Monday, 28 July 2008 12:30:21 UTC