- From: Daniela Ortner <Daniela.Ortner@jku.at>
- Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 14:22:30 +0200
- To: <bentoweb@fit.fraunhofer.de>,<public-wai-ert@w3.org>, <public-wai-ert-tsdtf@w3.org>
Dear all, now that I have a first overview of the work in BenToWeb, the ERT WG and the TSD TF, I think it is time to shortly introduce myself: My name is Daniela and I studied Technical Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Linz / Austria. Since more than 4 years, I work as a research assistant at the Institute Integriert Studieren. After Sandor has left our institute, I have been asked to take over his work in BenToWeb and W3C activities. At the moment I am trying to get deeper into the work in the project, so please forgive me if I will ask some silly questions during the first weeks ;-) Looking forward to work with you all and specially to meet some of you in the telephone conference in a few minutes... All the best, Daniela ============================== Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Daniela Ortner Institut Integriert Studieren Johannes Kepler Universität Linz 4040 Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69 Tel.: 0732/2468-1270 Fax: 0732/2468-21270 Email: daniela.ortner@jku.at Web: http://www.integriert-studieren.jku.at Universitätslehrgang Assistierende Technologien http://www.assistec.at Universitätslehrgang Barrierefreies Webdesign http://www.bfwd.at
Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2006 12:22:53 UTC