RE: WCAG 2.0 Conformance Claims

Hi Carlos,

At 12:51 9/05/2006, Carlos Iglesias wrote:
Ref: <>

Required components of a conformance claim  [...]  6. Scope
of the claim (a URI, list of URI's, or a set of URIs defined
by a regular expression)  [...] </blockquote>

Thought this may be interesting input to our on-going
discussion on blanket statements.

And from the same document:

Scoping of conformance claims.
Conformance claims can be limited, or "scoped," to apply to only some
parts of a Web site. Scoping by URI to exclude sections of a site is
allowed so that authors can make claims for just some parts of a site.
Example 3 above is a scoped conformance claim.
Example 3: On 21 June 2007, and conform to W3C's WCAG 2.0, Conformance Triple-A.

Apparently they are referring to a whole directory just by the base URI
(they talk about parts, not documents or Web units) i.e. applying the
"Directory" Scope concept.

Yes, you can exclude directories from your conformance claim, but
not individual files (let alone parts of files, which would be relevant
to sites with user-contributed content such as blogs).

Similary, in the first example:

Example 1: On 23 March 2005, conforms
to W3C's WCAG 2.0, Conformance Level A.

In this case, they are apparently referring to a whole subdomain just
namin the base URI

It could be very interesting if somebody from the WCAG WG could clarify
whether it was the intention of the examples or not.

I can't remember the discussion about this example, but my assumption
is that the URI identifies a subdomain.

And also (from the same location):

Conformance claims apply to Web units, and sets of Web units.

And the "Web Unit" definition [1]

A collection of information, consisting of one or more resources,
intended to be rendered together, and identified by a single Uniform
Resource Identifier (such as URLs)
Example 2: A Web page including all embedded images and media.

This seems to be the same concept I was naming as the "WebPage" Scope

Web Unit is more general, not limited to HTML.




Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2006 11:11:57 UTC