from February 2006 by subject

[ET TF] Minutes for Teleconference on 21 February, 2006

Action Item: Scope class

Draft face-to-face agenda

EARL based self-contained regression tests?

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 1 February, 2006

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 14 February, 2006

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 22 February, 2006

Feedback on EARL report

First editors draft of HTTP in RDF available

Fixing dc:location issue with earl:Locator class

FYI: Introducing EARL to MWI folks


HTTP in RDF (Re: Valentines' Note)

HTTP in RDF, RFC4229

IEEE 829-1998, also known as the 829 Standard for Software Test Documentation

List Of Evaluation Tools - InFocus Desktop - RDF

List Of Evaluation Tools - InFocus Enterprise - RDF

Meeting room 135

Meeting tomorrow in room 140

Minutes for Teleconference on 1 February, 2006

Minutes for Teleconference on 15 February, 2006

Minutes for Teleconference on 22 February, 2006

Minutes from day 1 of the face-to-face meeting

Re-updated EARL 1.0 Guide

Summarizing earl reports

Updated EARL 1.0 Guide

Valentines' Note

Last message date: Monday, 27 February 2006 20:15:27 UTC