- From: Vicente Luque Centeno <vlc@it.uc3m.es>
- Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 18:14:33 +0200 (CEST)
- To: public-wai-ert@w3.org
Received on Saturday, 25 June 2005 16:14:38 UTC
Hi, Rule 91 [1] can be formalized saying: //select[let $ff:=self::node() return count(//label[@for=$ff/@id]) != 1] = () PS: In other words, every select (which we name with a variable), must have one associated label, i.e., one label whose "for" attribute equals the "id" attribute of the select). PS2: There are over 60 formalized tests (using XPath and XQuery) at http://www.it.uc3m.es/vlc/wai/checks.xml . [1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/tests/test91.html Vicente Luque Centeno Dep. Ingeniería Telemática Universidad Carlos III de Madrid http://www.it.uc3m.es/vlc
Received on Saturday, 25 June 2005 16:14:38 UTC