Versioning the Tool class

There was a Tool class in the current draft which is specified as being a  
subClass of Assertor. We removed that restriction in order to allow a Tool  
to also be a TestSubject. But if any RDFS system reads the schema  
information it may find the old subClass declaration, and make the  
assumption that a Tool which is being tested is in fact an Assertor,  
albneit not necessarily of results for its own tests - in other words that  
all Tools are evaluation tools.

I think we should use a new URI for this Class - I suggest that we simply  
change the suffix to ToolG so that they are not the same thing, and  
maintain the namespace. That saves building versioning tools that have to  
convert everything from one namespace to another, which strikes me as  
beneficial - let's not make extra work for increasing compatibility and  
convergence while we don't have to.



Charles McCathieNevile                    
          hablo español - je parle français - jeg lærer norsk
   Here's one we prepared earlier:

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2005 15:26:43 UTC