Re: Associating EARL with a page


> PREFIX earl: <>
> PREFIX dc:   <>
> SELECT ?subject, ?test, ?result, ?assertor, ?date, ?mode, 
> ?some, ?more, ?spare, ?stuff
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:assertedBy ?assertor )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:result ?result )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:subject ?subject )
>    ( earl:Assertion dc:date ?date )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:mode ?mode )
>    ( earl:Assertion earl:testCase ?test )
>    ( earl:Assertion ?spare ?stuff )
>      ( ?stuff ?some ?more )
> }

I must admit, I'm not up to SPARQL as I probably should be but it strikes me that earl:Assertion is not a variable. Also, isn't earl:result actually a -bnode?

In RDQL I've been working with queries like this to return all assertions for a <QUERY-URL> (which automatically assumes the type earl:WebContent for the subject):

?assertion, earl:subject, ?subject
?assertion, earl:result, ?bnode
?assertion, earl:mode, ?mode
?assertion, earl:testcase, ?testcase
?assertion, earl:assertedBy, ?assertor
?bnode, earl:validity, ?validity
?bnode, earl:message, ?message
?bnode, earl:confidence, ?confidence
?subject, earl:reprOf, <QUERY-URL>
?subject, dc:date, ?date

Two more queries are required to fetch the information about tool- and human- type assertors. For example:

?assertor, earl:name, ?name
?assertor, earl:email, ?email

How would that look in SPARQL? (yeah, I know I should go RTFM)


Received on Sunday, 10 April 2005 09:47:42 UTC