- From: Charles McCathieNevile <charles@sidar.org>
- Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 17:20:00 +1000
- To: "public-wai-ert@w3.org" <public-wai-ert@w3.org>, "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <eric@w3.org>
Hi folks, this is clearly a topic we need to think about. It's actually pretty mch a general RDF question, not specific to EARL. There are a few ways that we can connect EARL to the page it is about. Most of the obvious ones are, I think, not very good because they involve relying on the author of a page, and I think in many many use cases where people will want to find EARL it will be whenthe author hasn't created or linked to it. This is the reason why I would not go very heavily down the path of using HTML's link with something like rel="meta", nor a URIQA server (an extended HTTP server that will store and return metadata for any resource as special methods), although both of those are reasonable options for authors to use and are not bad as such. It's also one reason I don't like the idea of a "well-known-location" convention, such as storing EARL in an /earl directory or something. I also dislike that for other reasons and think it is a bad idea. For the rest of us third party evaluators, it would be helpful to have somewhere to put EARL and for the rest of us EARL consumers it would be nice to have somewhere to look for it. Eric Prud'hommeaux said at the face to face that his new annotea server should be able to handle EARL quite happily - it's a server you configure that receives and serves RDF. There are various other RDF servers around, too. And the nice thing is that soon if you send any of them a query written in SPARQL, you should find out what they know. I actually have an informal action item to follow this up with EricP - apparently he needs to see an example query to configure his server, so here is an attempt at one for the current spec that asks for anything about an assertion where the assertion has 6 basic properties (The OPTIONAL stuff at the end is the attempt to gather all the other info. It is the part I am least sure of): PREFIX earl: <http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/EARL/nmg-strawman#> PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> SELECT ?subject, ?test, ?result, ?assertor, ?date, ?mode, ?some, ?more, ?spare, ?stuff WHERE ( earl:Assertion earl:assertedBy ?assertor ) ( earl:Assertion earl:result ?result ) ( earl:Assertion earl:subject ?subject ) ( earl:Assertion dc:date ?date ) ( earl:Assertion earl:mode ?mode ) ( earl:Assertion earl:testCase ?test ) OPTIONAL { ( earl:Assertion ?spare ?stuff ) OPTIONAL ( ?stuff ?some ?more ) } If I have the query right, this will pretty much tell you anything known about any Assertion that has some value for each of the 6 basic properties I have noted. There are no constraints - I will start a seperate thread on querying EARL, because I think this should be noted in the technical spec and explained in the tutorial one... cheers Chaals -- Charles McCathieNevile Fundacion Sidar charles@sidar.org +61 409 134 136 http://www.sidar.org
Received on Sunday, 10 April 2005 07:20:11 UTC