Re: ERT Action Item: Use Case Scenarios for EARL

On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 02:53:24 +1000, Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
>> A - Just a claim that says "This page is accesible for people with
>> cognitive disabilities".
>> B - Detailed info about the WCAG checkpoints the page conforms.
>> IMO the answer is A. Do you think that most of the people with
>> disabilities know the WCAG?
> What about if browsers would support the user preferences such as "do
> not display pages with flickering content" or "use high contrast style
> sheets for pages with low color contrast"?

Right. I think users with cognitive disabilities are going to be  
uninterested in both A and B. In the case of people with severe  
disabilities (the kind of people Jonathan Chetwynd used to work with, they  
are going to want something that says "this is good for me" which somebody  
assisting them will set up...



> Of course, we are a long way away from this but maybe EARL could provide
> a mechanism to realize such things. It will then be easier for the
> browser developers to implement these features.

Have a look at TILE, from ATRC, which already does something very close to  



Charles McCathieNevile                      Fundacion Sidar   +61 409 134 136

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2005 07:52:16 UTC