web form for tcdl

Hi all,

I had an action item [1] to bring the discussion about web form we had 
during last teleconference.

I was thinking about the web form during last week and it was not really 
clear to me what will be the purpose of the web form. I find two 
possible alternatives:

1. Make a very simple web form containing submitter {name, organisation, 
email}, and upload fields for tcdl metadata files and all supporting 
files (either single zip or one by one). In this case this is simple to 
implement but require more work from task force participants.

2. Make a web form capable of creating tcdl online. In this case as the 
interface going to be complex I was wondering if we could use rich 
client technologies. Having that in mind I did some "play around" with 
such technologies. I have found a tool named ajaxforms [2] that can be 
used to transform xforms to ajax interfaces. I have made a very simple 
demo for testing. [3] is the ajax generated interface and [4] is the 
actual xform I have developed.
Having such an interface this can be a useful tool for promoting the 
submission by people out of the task force and provide automatic 
structural validation (see xforms validation capabilities). On the other 
hand except for requiring much more effort ;), the major issue is the 
accessibility of such technologies even if there are claims for the 
opposite (i.e. [5]). Note that ajaxforms seems not to use dojo but we 
could either try its accessibility or use other tool like chiba [6].


[1] http://www.w3.org/2007/05/15-tsdtf-minutes.html#action04
[2] http://ajaxforms.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.syros.aegean.gr/users/evlach/tcdlform/build/tcdl.html
[4] http://www.syros.aegean.gr/users/evlach/tcdlform/web/tcdl.xml
[5] http://dojotoolkit.org/node/623
[6] http://chiba.sourceforge.net/

Evangelos Vlachogiannis
Researcher - PhD. Candidate
Contact: http://www.syros.aegean.gr/users/evlach/contactme.php

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2007 18:46:11 UTC