Re: WAI mobile feedback

Ruefully smiling and nodding - I know *just* what you mean.

Thanks for your help!

On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Susan Hewitt <>

> I don't have a date for a draft at this point but it won't be in time for
> the usability testing; I'll try to do my best. I apologize for committing
> to something that I obviously don't have the bandwidth for.
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 8:56 AM, Sharron Rush <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Susan and Charlotte,
>> Thanks very much for this.  My responses are inline below. Note that I am
>> speaking only for myself as I have not had time to discuss with Brent. If
>> he has a different perspective I expect he will weigh in.
>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Susan Hewitt <>
>> wrote:
>>> -There was no direct comment in the feedback on moving the first two
>>> sections of the developer tutorial into the main mobile section (only
>>> comments on contributing to the edits.) Kathy is fine with moving it but is
>>> unsure about Judy. Our preference is still to move this content but in
>>> interest of time we will not pursue this with Judy, pre-launch.
>> We did not comment on this since we assumed you were working it out with
>> the TF. If you and Kathy agree that those two sections are best included in
>> the intro, please do so ASAP as a draft. We can circulate for comments and
>> Judy can be part of that process.  We need to be moving things forward at
>> this point. As noted "time is very limited."
>> -Since time is very limited we plan to go ahead and draft the content,
>>> allowing the reviewers, and then EO, to comment and propose edits rather
>>> than crafting and submitting an outline draft proposal again. For this
>>> pre-launch period, we will maintain our focus on the three questions given
>>> in the feedback (below) and ensure they continue to be addressed in the
>>> revised content.
>>>    - Does W3C have/maintain mobile accessibility standards?
>>>    - What is W3C doing related to mobile accessibility?
>>>    - Where can I learn more about mobile accessibility?
>>> Good and when will we have that draft? As you know we are doing
>> usability testing this week and had hoped to have much more content in
>> place.
>>> Outstanding question:
>>> The following isn't clear to me
>>>    1. Navigation: As you work on edits to the page consider how it is
>>>    fitting into the new top navigation of the site redesign <
>>> <>
>>>    >
>>>       - Under "Standards/Guidelines" is the placeholder for this
>>>       resource "Mobile Accessibility at W3C"
>>>       - Under "Design & Develop" is "Mobile Accessibility Intro"
>>> Are we required to shoehorn this limited content into these two
>>> different sections? Why is there not just one place for this relatively
>>> small amount of content? (Not talking about the tutorial.)
>> No those two sections are not mandatory, but are placeholders suggested
>> since we had not received clear direction about the approach that you are
>> taking to the topic.  Happy to accept your suggestions for how to
>> restructure.  Please advise ASAP.
>> Best,
>> Sharron
> --
> Susan Hewitt, CPACC
> Senior Accessibility Consultant
> Deque Systems, Inc

Sharron Rush | Executive Director | | @knowbility
*Equal access to technology for people with disabilities*

Received on Saturday, 30 September 2017 20:50:18 UTC