- From: Sharron Rush <srush@knowbility.org>
- Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 08:56:49 -0500
- To: Susan Hewitt <susan.hewitt@deque.com>, WSTF <public-wai-eo-site@w3.org>
- Cc: "Bakken, Brent" <brent.bakken@pearson.com>, "Wise, Charlotte" <cwise@visa.com>
- Message-ID: <CA++nJxpuzGenivt+v5VQ71iOgSdnffZ_g-kfgOYnM0kr66mAUQ@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Susan and Charlotte, Thanks very much for this. My responses are inline below. Note that I am speaking only for myself as I have not had time to discuss with Brent. If he has a different perspective I expect he will weigh in. On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Susan Hewitt <susan.hewitt@deque.com> wrote: > -There was no direct comment in the feedback on moving the first two > sections of the developer tutorial into the main mobile section (only > comments on contributing to the edits.) Kathy is fine with moving it but is > unsure about Judy. Our preference is still to move this content but in > interest of time we will not pursue this with Judy, pre-launch. > We did not comment on this since we assumed you were working it out with the TF. If you and Kathy agree that those two sections are best included in the intro, please do so ASAP as a draft. We can circulate for comments and Judy can be part of that process. We need to be moving things forward at this point. As noted "time is very limited." -Since time is very limited we plan to go ahead and draft the content, > allowing the reviewers, and then EO, to comment and propose edits rather > than crafting and submitting an outline draft proposal again. For this > pre-launch period, we will maintain our focus on the three questions given > in the feedback (below) and ensure they continue to be addressed in the > revised content. > > - Does W3C have/maintain mobile accessibility standards? > - What is W3C doing related to mobile accessibility? > - Where can I learn more about mobile accessibility? > > Good and when will we have that draft? As you know we are doing usability testing this week and had hoped to have much more content in place. > > Outstanding question: > The following isn't clear to me > > 1. Navigation: As you work on edits to the page consider how it is > fitting into the new top navigation of the site redesign < > http://w3c.github.io/wai-website/ <http://w3c.github.io/wai-website/>> > - Under "Standards/Guidelines" is the placeholder for this resource > "Mobile Accessibility at W3C" > - Under "Design & Develop" is "Mobile Accessibility Intro" > > Are we required to shoehorn this limited content into these two different > sections? Why is there not just one place for this relatively small amount > of content? (Not talking about the tutorial.) > No those two sections are not mandatory, but are placeholders suggested since we had not received clear direction about the approach that you are taking to the topic. Happy to accept your suggestions for how to restructure. Please advise ASAP. Best, Sharron
Received on Saturday, 30 September 2017 13:57:12 UTC