Home page issue - deep breath

Hi all,

First, let's ack that we've put Eric in an bad position as he is trying to get tons of things done, and the home page is not settled. Poor Eric. :(

The overall issue is that we didn't consider the home page design sufficiently. Alicia made a beautiful visual design back in May, and then, afaik, we didn't work on it to get shared understanding of the sections; see if it met information goals, user needs, etc..

Not pointing fingers, just trying to be clear. (I had reservations about several aspects, and I guess I didn't speak up clearly enough. But I don't take all the blame. ;-)

So let's take a deep breath... then figure out what is priority for usability testing now
-- *and* plan and schedule more work on the home page coming up.



*Note*: I check e-mail on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
If you need a quick reply, please call +1-617-395-7664

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2017 19:33:19 UTC