Re: Visual Design Mockups

Hi Shawn, 

Please don't hold back on anything. :)  We need to get all comments in by end of day today (tomorrow if absolutely necessary) to prevent delays in this project.

As for guidance on what level of thing to comment on - I would follow the points in the design review email to EOWG, and only raise an issue if you feel strongly enough about it to really argue for it (so we can limit efforts to addressing critical issues and not get bogged down in "it-might-be-nice-ifs" or "visual wordsmithing").  Then for issues you do open, classify them into strong, medium, or discretionary, and we'll go through them! :)

Thanks for all of your support!

On 1/27/17, 10:25 PM, "Shawn Henry" <> wrote:

>Hi Alicia, James, and all,
>I'm thrilled with the visual design mock ups!
>I have some questions, points that I'd like more input on, and open issues not yet addressed.
>I'm not sure what level of things to comment on now or not. I put some things in GitHub, and am holding back on some things.
>I look forward to further refinement.

Received on Monday, 30 January 2017 18:02:07 UTC