Re: Usability testing

>> Assuming we're ready for a second test, similar to the first, we can 
>> likely
>> use the same recruitment screener, and perhaps the same test plan, which
>> simplifies things.
> Yes. I think we can (and want to since we want comparative data).
>> You've still got those online, but if you need me to resend, I can.
> I will review them and let you know if I see any issues.


I went through the test plan (albeit quickly) and marked up just a couple of small changes, as well as the new paths. See the attached file with my comments in yellow & red & [SLH:...]

I *hope* being able to reuse the test plan with little change will make things much easier on you! (Unlike last time when we went round & round revising the test plan. :-)

Let me know if there's anything else you need from us for the test plan, recruiting, or otherwise (besides a working prototype to test :-).


~ Shawn

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2005 23:22:06 UTC