R:Tests fo new WAI Web site nav

Il 15-02-2005 20:32, "Shawn Henry" <shawn@w3.org> ha scritto:

> Pasquale,
> Thanks very much for your efforts in gathering this information!
> A few points that jump out at me:
> * the redundancy is good to support many different navigation preferences
>   (surprise that someone discovered "support materials" was linked when there
> was no "affordance")
> * confirmation (of comments at WSTF last night) that the page icon is not good
> Questions:
> 1. Did you use the word "support" in your instructions (e.g., "find the
> _support_ document "Developing...")?

1. yes, I used the word "support"; but only for better undestand from
English language.

> 2. I am a bit surprised that #2 used the browser Back button. Do you have any
> ideas why he/she did not use the left navigation to click back to "general
> resources" (above) or "implementing" (below)?

2. I asked him. He told me that so it is easier.

> 3. Could you tell if & how they used the text in the body to get descriptions
> of the links on the left?

3. They read the text in the body. I think that's for this that they found
the document in a short way.

> 4. What was #3's reaction to the Site Map? How did he/she find "General
> Resources" and then "Implementing" (e.g., in the body of the site map, or in
> the left navigation, or other)?

4. She found it very long and not very useful. She found "General Resources"
and then "Implementing" scrolling down the window.

> 5. Why do you think #1 clicked on "support materials" in the right, rather
> than using the left nav?

He read first all the left nav bar, then the right. In the right he found
more description text about "support materials". It confirms what you said
before about redundancy.

> 6. Are there any other points that you learned from this (about what worked
> well or did not work well, or what we might want to consider)?

They wanted to know why the bridge in the header.
They like the search box.
They like the font size and type.



> Thanks for the quick feedback!
> ~ Shawn
> WSTF, I'm attaching screen grabs of the version Pasquale used, since I'm
> revising it. Please comment on Pasquale's information.
> Pasquale Popolizio wrote:
>> Hi Shawn,
>> hi all.
>> I asked 3 colleagues to help me to test new WAI Web site nav.
>> Here are the findings.
>> Tests were conducted on Feb 15, time 16.00 CET (10.00 US Eastern Time).
>> Participants data:
>> Number of participants: 3
>> Age: 33, 29, 41
>> Occupation: 1 web content manager, 2 web designer
>> OS and browsers used: Mac OSX and Firefox 1.0
>> Note: I asked participants to find the support document "Developing
>> Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility", starting from
>> http://www.w3.org/2004/09/wai-nav/.
>> After tests I asked participants their informal impressions about WAI Web
>> site nav.
>> The followings are the steps they made to find the document:
>> participant #1
>>> From right nav bar: click on "support materials to help understand and
>> implement Web accessibility", then click on "Implementing" in the left nav
>> bar. 
>> Only two clicks ;-))
>> participant #2
>>> From the left nav bar click on "Guidelines & Techniques". "Back" on browser.
>>> From the left nav bar click on "support materials". Click on "general
>> resources". "Back" on browser. Click on "Implementing".
>> Six clicks.
>> participant #3
>> He would like to input the doc name in search box. Then he click on "WAI
>> Site Map" in the left nav bar. Find and click on "General Resources". "Back"
>> on browser. Click on "Implementing".
>> Four clicks.
>> Final notes:
>> All the participants have found the document in a short way.
>> All the participants think that the list icon in the left nav bar for "WAI
>> site map", "Help with WAI Site", "Contacting WAI" and "WAI Translations"
>> means a doc page, like a Word .doc or a PDF.
>> 2 participants think that the linked word in the right nav bar (guidelines,
>> supporting materials, and so on), could be bold or underlined.
>> Hope this can help.
>> Best regards
>> Ciao
>> Pasquale

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2005 20:05:55 UTC