ML background design 1

OK, this is more like "Wow!" If it passes the accessibility tests, 
looking good.

My only problem is that the stem (beige stick-like thing in the 
center) looks a lot like a cigarette butt...If that were digitized 
out or modified in some way, it would be fine. I like the rounded 
corners on all of the boxes.  I like the colors. This works for me 

Richer design.  The background need not be something discernable, but 
it must have something that looks photographic and have something 
more than flat and square-edged images. This has much more depth, 
graphically speaking, and meets photographic quality with rounded 
edges. Not at all the flat, boxy look of the current WAI pages and 
most of the designs we have seen thus far.

We had two main goals for this project: Make things easier to find 
everything on the site and a graphically rich site to demonstrate 
that Accessibility does not mean that the site could not be 
graphically appealing to sighted users.  In my opinion, it is 
critical to our credibility as an organization (W3C and WAI) to meet 
the second goal.

We have done famously on our first goal. This design moves us much 
farther ahead on our second goal than any other design. Thank 


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Libraries, Computing & Technology: Connecting People and Information

Have a Productive Day!

Charmane K. Corcoran
Information & Accessibility Specialist
Michigan State University
Client Advocacy Office
316A Computer Center
East Lansing MI 48824

Phone:	Dept. Office - 517/353-4856
	Direct/Vmail - 517/355-4500 Ext. 244
FAX:	Office: 517/355-0141


Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 19:38:49 UTC