WSTF, Shawn's introduction


Here is a bit about my background and interests related to WAI Web site
redesign, with links to more information.

Experience in EOWG:
- EOWG W3C Team contact since February 2003
- EOWG participant since November 2001
- WAI materials user since 1998
- My introduction to EOWG:
- More information on my work at W3C/WAI:

Experience in UCD:
- (Programming in 80s didn't involve UCD at all)
- Most of my work in 90s was as consultant in UCD, at first just the
later stages of evaluating software user interfaces, eventually got to
work on several projects with UCD from the beginning
- Developed UCD methodology (with colleague) based on work with varied
software projects, taught workshops
- Started out UCD with client-server software, later some Web sites and
- Haven't done much broad UCD last few years since focusing on
- More information about my work before joining W3C:

Experience in Web site development:
- Developed a few small, simple sites
- Designed complex sites and applications with developers
- Not up-to-date on latest high tech for Web site development

- Recent ones from UPA 2003 conference:

That's all folks...

~ Shawn

Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 13:10:53 UTC