WSTF, please send introduction to list


Current Task Force participants are:
- Andrew Arch, Vision Australia Foundation (AU)
- Carol Smith, Kognitive (US)
- Charmane Corcoran, Michigan State University (US)
- Blossom Michaeloff, Wells Fargo (US)
- Michael Lenz, Cisco Systems, Inc. (US)
- Jon Dodd, Bunnyfoot Universality (UK)
- Justin Thorp, Michigan State University (US)
- Matt May, W3C/WAI, MIT (US)
- Sailesh Panchang, Deque Systems (US)
- Shawn Lawton Henry, W3C/WAI, MIT (US)

We have a good balance of folks with experience in EOWG and folks with
Web design experience. We also have some newer EOWG participants, and
not everyone knows each other.

Please send to the WAI Site Task Force (WSTF) mailing list a brief
summary of your background and interests related to WAI Web site
redesign. Include your experience in EOWG, in user-centered design
process, and in Web site development. (A link to a photo would also be

Looking forward to our kickoff worksession in a few hours!


~ Shawn

Shawn Lawton Henry
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
phone: +1.617.253.8788

Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 12:23:55 UTC