Re: before/info breaks in modern browsers

Hi Eric, all,

This is actually a feature rather than a bug! We wanted to show that bad 
markup may cause the content to break in different browsers. However, it 
seems that this is not clear enough -many people did not realize that we 
are doing this intentionally to show something.

The question is now: how can we better show that this is a feature of 
the Demo? Maybe the "in-between pages" may make it more clear. Also, the 
navigation proposed by Michael may have some space for a small comment. 
Let's discuss these and other ideas tomorrow...


Eric Eggert wrote:
> Hi all (again)!
> The before articles page breaks horribly in modern browsers[1], we 
> should correct that.
> Image:
> This is because there are floats without any width are applied to the 
> right side divs, which is not working according to the CSS2 spec.
> Solution: Bring on the tables!
> The issue (content is displayed in another order than in the markup) can 
> be displayed with some tables, stacked upon each other. this won’t break 
> in modern browsers, too.
> Another solution would be to change the (inline) styles.
> Regards, Eric
> [1] Tested in Firefox and Safari. IE6 seems to render the design as 
> intended, although I haven’t tested heavily as I’m on a mac.

Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 16:56:28 UTC