WAI-Curricula TF meeting May 5

Hello all,


Tomorrow we are going to have another WAI Curricula Teleconference.


Please use this phone bridge for the call:




Password: curricula


items for discussion follow:


*	Comments about invitation draft boilerplate (if any).


*	Any comments about email with questions on learning outcomes?


*	How to refer to success criteria.
*	Referring to techniques only at a topic level.
*	Use of the verb "understand".

*	Softening knowledge about types of images. In learning outcomes for module "Images and Graphics" topic "Including Images in
Websites" we have:

"Distinguish between informative, functional, text, complex, and decorative images".

And I propose:

"List some types of images from an accessibility perspective. For example, informative, functional, text, complex, and decorative

I think asking a developer to "Distinguish" the different types of images is too much of an overlap, especially since we plan to
develop further curricula for designers and content authors (where I think this distinction falls under). But I still think some
notion that not all images are the same and that there are different ways to describe an image (or not describe them at all) is
needed in this context. Do you agree with this approach? Do you have further suggestions?





Daniel Montalvo


Accessibility Education and Training Specialist W3C/WA




Daniel Montalvo


Accessibility Education and Training Specialist



Received on Monday, 4 May 2020 14:51:34 UTC