Purpose and value of WAI-CC meetings

Hi All,

Hope folks don’t mind but, as I mentioned in the last meeting, I am interested to take a moment to explore the content and timings of the WAI-CC calls. I am keen to ensure that the meeting is set up to deliver on what you all need as chairs of all the working groups and task forces, and that it gives us a chance to explore the broader coordination and collaboration of WAI activities.

I have thrown together a short survey to help capture your feedback on this topic. I would appreciate if you were able to provide some of your thoughts on the questions over the next couple of weeks.

Note this is really just to help start the thinking process for this. Hopefully we can find the time to discuss what works/doesn’t work and how we might improve things over the coming weeks and months.

Timing and use of coordination meeting <https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/105629/cadence-value/>

Much appreciated


Received on Friday, 4 August 2023 10:27:35 UTC