FW: Introducing a Free Webinar Series on Accessible Publishing and Reading

-----Original Message-----
From: DAISY Consortium <news@daisy.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 5:31 AM
To: George Kerscher <kerscher@montana.com>
Subject: Introducing a Free Webinar Series on Accessible Publishing and Reading

The DAISY Consortium along with leaders in the accessible publishing and reading ecosystem will be presenting on a diverse range of topics each week. You are invited to participate in the live webinars, or afterwards review the recording at your convenience. The system we use (Zoom) is accessible, and both the live sessions and the recordings will have captions available.

These webinars will include presentations intended for industry events such as the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in California, the London Book Fair, the Canadian Tech Forum event, as well new sessions covering announcements and innovations.

You can sign up for the latest information using our webinar only email list at: https://daisy.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=35211fe5dce066db327cadb21&id=c0c0c0f413&e=4268919b39

The presentation topics will change each week. If a topic is of interest you can sign up using the link located below the title.

The first webinar, which will be held on April 1, 2020 is titled “Helping Higher Ed Students with access to accessible course material during the COVID-19 crisis” exploring some of the innovative considerations the industry is making to support students at this challenging time.

April 8, 2020 will be “Publishers Faceoff to Prove the Accessibility of their titles.”

April 15, 2020 will be “Create EPUB publications from Word with a simple tool anyone can use”

April 22, 2020 will be “Making Math Accessible, One Step at a Time”

The full list of forthcoming and archived webinars will be available at:

DAISY will be keeping this webinar series running throughout 2020 as a primary mechanism to keep people up to date on developments in accessible publishing and reading. We encourage anybody with a question, suggestion, or a proposal for a webinar to contact us at:
or email us at webinars@daisy.org
The DAISY staff will review proposals and arrange the schedule.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

The DAISY Consortium.

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Received on Wednesday, 25 March 2020 18:00:32 UTC