For Review: Accessibility of Remote Meetings - First Public Working Draft

Dear WAI Interest Group,

W3C WAI invites you to comment on the First Public Working Draft of the Note:
 Accessibility of Remote Meetings

Background: Remote meeting is an umbrella term used to describe real-time discussions or presentations held between two or more parties online.

A remote meeting generally requires the use of an online meeting platform on an online device such as a computer, smartphone or digital assistant that allows participants to interact with each other. Typical features of remote meeting platforms include the use of audio communication via an online microphone or traditional telephone, video communication via an online camera, a chat feature for text-based communication and the ability to share content. This can include the sharing of a participant’s computer screen, the sharing of an on-screen presentation with media-rich content such as slides and videos, and the transferring of files.

In broad terms, the accessibility requirements of standard remote meeting delivery rely on three distinct elements:
* The accessibility of the remote meeting platform;
* The accessibility of content that is shared during the meeting; and
* The accessibility awareness of host participants when the remote meeting is taking place.
* The accessibility challenges faced by people with disabilities participating in remote meetings will depend on how these three elements interact.

The issues faced by people with disabilities will vary depending on the implementation of accessibility requirements and current limitations of remote meeting software. While W3C has applicable guidance across several standards and Notes relating to real-time communication and XR, it is this level of complexity that this document endeavors to address.

For more context, see the blog post at:

For in-progress updates to the document, see the Editors' Draft at:

To comment, please open a new issue in the APA GitHub repository:
Please add the label MEETINGS. Create separate GitHub issues for each topic, rather than commenting on multiple topics in a single issue.
If it’s not feasible for you to use GitHub, send comments in e-mail to:

Please send comments by *14 December 2021*.

Thank you in advance for your comments.

Joshue O'Connor, W3C Emerging Web Technology Specialist
Janina Sajka, APA Working Group Co-Chair
Becky Gibson, APA Working Group Co-Chair
Jason White, Research Questions Task Force Facilitator
Scott Hollier, Research Questions Task Force Facilitator
Steve Noble, Pearson
Michael Cooper, W3C Staff Contact for APA Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2021 20:20:04 UTC