For Review: Accessibility Conformance Challenges and Approaches for Mitigating - Working Draft

Dear WAI Interest Group,

The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG WG) has published an updated Working Draft of:
      Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them

Overview: This document is part of work on future accessibility guidelines, including WCAG 3.0 (formerly known as "Silver"). It explores the challenges of evaluating a broad range of websites and applications for conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and explores approaches for mitigating these challenges.

Please *see the blog post* for information on this work and specific questions for review:

Comments: Please put each comment in a separate issue in GitHub, with “Challenges:” as the first word in the issue title:
If this is not feasible, send email to:

In-progress updates to the document are available in the Editors' Draft at:

Chuck Adams, Accessibility Guidelines WG Co-Chair
Alastair Campbell, Accessibility Guidelines WG Co-Chair
Rachael Montgomery, Accessibility Guidelines WG Co-Chair
Michael Cooper, Accessibility Guidelines WG W3C Staff Contact
Judy Brewer, W3C WAI Director
Shawn Lawton Henry, W3C WAI Outreach


Received on Friday, 19 June 2020 22:29:58 UTC