WAI-AGE task force

Dear Task Force,

As per schedule, we are meeting this Wednesday (25 March) at the usual 
time in Europe, but again 1 hour later for the USA (due to the different 
daylight saving starts):
Teleconference Bridge:
   + / +44.117.370.6152 / +1.617.761.6200
Teleconference code: 9243# (WAGE#)
IRC: Channel - #waiage; server - irc.w3.org; port - 6665
Scribe: Michael

1. Welcome

2. Business Case
- change-log: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-bcase-update.html
- latest draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/bcase/Overview.html
Check that you are reading March 2009 drafts.
The draft has been through final editing after some feedback from Shawn 
Henry that I hope makes it easier to read. This week I just want to go 
through the changes one final time before EOWG approves for publishing.

Regards, Andrew
Andrew Arch
Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist
W3C/ERCIM, Sophia Antipolis, France
Ph +33 (0)4 92 38 79 46

Received on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 10:23:07 UTC