WAI-AGE slide set

finaly my notes about the slide set:

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:40 AM, Andrew Arch <andrew@w3.org> wrote:
 >  <http://www.w3.org/2008/Talks/0923-ADDW-WAIAGE/>

i would generally move the sources from the headline to the footer of a 
page to improve readability.

slide #4: the 3D look makes the legend not so easy to read.

slide #7:
* vision decline: 65 to 74 vs. 85+ is the gap missing or is it a typo?
* splite age-ranges to seperate bullets for better readability
   - 61 to 80 ys.
   - 81+ ys.

slide #8
* dementia estimates: is the gap missing or is it a typo?

slide #12: i would drop "Wary of downloads and plugins"
for my feeling it does not fit well to the other items

hear you soon in our teleconference

Michael Stenitzer | WIENFLUSS information.design.solutions
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Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2008 13:13:08 UTC