Re: Agenda: Process Document TF Telcon on Monday, 12 September, 2016

Hi Steve, friends

I sent in some comments just before the deadline, can they be on the list of edits, please?

On TAG/AB vacated seats <>:

Current text:

An Advisory Board or TAG participant's seat is vacated when either of the following occurs:

 • the participant resigns, or
 • the Chair asks the participant to resign.

I think this is not right; the chair does not have the authority to remove someone at whim, do they? And even for the cases where resignation is forced because of the rules, the choice of who resigns is not made by the Chair.  So, actually, I think it’s more like:

An Advisory Board or TAG participant's seat is vacated when the participant resigns, either voluntarily or in order to satisfy the _participation requirements_.

Also, this is very confused:

"When an Advisory Board or TAG participant changes affiliations, as long as Advisory Board and TAG participation constraints are respected, the individual may continue to participate until the next regularly scheduled election for that group. Otherwise, the seat is vacated."

a) AB has a hard ‘no two reps from the same member’, so it’s misleading for the AB (there is no way to respect the rule and continue to serve)
b) for the TAG, they don’t have to *resign* immediately, but the seat *is* vacated immediately when they do, in fact, resign.

So, I think that this needs to be at most a note, and perhaps it should be deleted. 

> On Sep 9, 2016, at 8:09 , Stephen Zilles <> wrote:
> The call is on Monday, 12 September, 2016 at 15:00-16:00 UTC
> Webex Information is on our Mail Archives (see separate e-mail to this list)
>  (member only accessible)
> For residents of other (typical) time zones the start times were:
> Pacific:  8:00
> Eastern US: 11:00
> Central Europe: 17:00
> Japan: 24:00  
> The purpose of these meetings has been to agree on the resolution of open issues, close them where possible or assign actions to move toward closure.
> Agenda: 
> 1.      Review the draft Disposition of Comments on the August 3 Process Document.
> (in progress) 
> 2.      Any other topics
> Steve Zilles
> Chair, W3C Process Document Task Force

Dave Singer

Received on Friday, 9 September 2016 07:05:26 UTC