Re: Followup to "Supergroups" message to AC Forum

On 20/06/2016 22:41, David Singer wrote:

>> On Jun 20, 2016, at 12:41 , Carine Bournez <> wrote:
>>> Please note
>>> such Groups already deal with Deliverables in a way that is not entirely
>>> in line with the Process since they usually don't officially amend
>>> Charters to start a new work.
> They cannot (and must not) produce something that gets under the patent policy without doing so.  Obviously, all groups are free to discuss the future, and so on.

In pure theory, yes. In practice, we all know this is not how it
too often goes for new work items appearing during the course of
a charter. Work almost always start unchartered, happens in the
mailing-list of the WG, takes WG time during calls and ftfs
and remains an Editor's Draft the time needed to become "cleaner"
and is in legal limbos. We'll have some day a big problem...

In practice again, like it or not, unchartered spec work starts because
_Members_ cannot and don't want to wait. This is again a question of
adapting our rules to our practice.


Received on Monday, 20 June 2016 20:52:02 UTC