Re: Renewing Working Groups, a proposal

OK, I can think of one material difference between what you wrote and what I wrote, but it’s pretty arcane.  We should explore for more. I think this is an unlikely edge case, and would be fine with leaving it for a lawsuit to decide (if ever).

A group operates under charter A and produces Working Drafts for which the members have Exclusion Opportunities.

The charter expires, and a new charter B is written which documents continuing work on those documents is in scope.

Now, W3C Member Q, who was not a member of the WG under charter A, joins the WG under charter B, before that WG has produced any new Working Drafts.

Does Q have an exclusion opportunity for the WDs produced under Charter A, and hence an agreement to license, or not?

Under your interpretation, the answer is ‘yes’.  Under mine, the answer is ‘no’.

The question really is only relevant if one or more odd things happen:
* Q resigns before any WD is produced
* or there was material for which Q held IPR, in the earlier WDs from Charter A, that was removed in WDs made Charter B, that somehow made its way into the Recommendation.

Pretty obscure, I think.

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2015 16:46:32 UTC