w3process-ISSUE-158 (New or continued WG?): Does rechartering extinguish a WG or continue it? [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-158 (New or continued WG?): Does rechartering extinguish a WG or continue it? [Process Document]


Raised by: Charles McCathie Nevile
On product: Process Document

Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/AB/raw-file/default/cover.html#cfp> describe the process of extending charters.

It is unclear whether a Working Group that is rechartered is the same Working Group, or a different one - which has an impact on how the Patent Policy works, since commitments are to things produced by a particular Working Group.

We can clarify that a Working Group whose charter is revised is the same, or a different Working Group. It is probably worth asking the AC to express a preference one way or another before we decide it here.

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2015 03:26:05 UTC