- From: Brian Kardell <bkardell@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 10:26:18 -0400
- To: public-w3process@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CADC=+jd_Xbjqhw=sUOQxqk6_C6NC42ZxnPWpXjJ57nOc5=0tAA@mail.gmail.com>
Spinning off a new thread in order to keep the other about actually voting on votes. To reiterate in order to pose my questions: I agree there are potential biases in the first system, it has serious flaws. I entirely support the idea that it is worth discussing and probably fixing. BUT - I am very dubious that THESE are the biases that have hurt things thus far and relatively confident that other biases (apathy/lack of participation or knowledge, who actually does the voting, etc) actually have had a big impact AND changing the voting system does not address these. My assertions are easily validated with data. So my question is: Is there data to actually support the assertion that this has affected outcomes? On several occasions now i have heard people cite recent elections. The fact that candidates and folks like myself actively made an effort to turn out the vote and collaborated and discussed importance out in the open on issues is a perfectly rational explanation, but there is adamant insistence it seems that somehow the system is rigged or something. Has there been a questionnaire to membership about whether they strategically voted or any effort to play it out another way that has shown otherwise? If so, I'd like to see this data. If not, let's please stop holding this up as an example if the data doesn't support it. It's disheartening to people like myself who really care and all it's accomplishing is creating more "why bother" sentiment. Again, in principle, theoretically - i fully support ranked voting. I'd, love to see coordination with a linked, unofficial poll for studying impact, etc. I'd also love high level preference data to be public - it's useful for making sure membership is able to express itself and groups and W3C are addressing appropriately.
Received on Sunday, 18 May 2014 14:26:46 UTC