Re: Disclosing election results -- a voice of caution

On Jun 3, 2014, at 2:38 , Jean-Charles (JC) Verdié <> wrote:

> Hi Virginie,
> GALINDO Virginie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I believe that disclosure of all figures would help (and not only statistics).
> +1
>> Me (and my employer) would have no problem to disclose the election result, on an anonymous basis.
>> If all candidates could make the same statement, that would be ok, I guess...
> Which you wont get as some candidates were not in w3process (nor in
> ac-forum)

I specifically asked that we get an explicit “ok” from the candidates, and an implicit OK through lack of objection from the AC, but I don’t think either was done.

>> Whatever comes from this discussion, I believe that we should make sure that next election will include that figure publication, as such all candidates (and their employer) will integrate that in their decision to run or not.
> I hope the AB keeps this topic alive so that next TAG ballot is done in
> an open way.
> Regards
> JC
>> Virginie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel Glazman []
>> Sent: mardi 3 juin 2014 00:36
>> To: Bassetti, Ann; Michael Champion (MS OPEN TECH); Brian Kardell
>> Cc: Charles McCathie Nevile; L. David Baron;
>> Subject: Re: Disclosing election results -- a voice of caution
>> On 02/06/2014 23:34, Bassetti, Ann wrote:
>>> I am concerned that there are a few loud voices that predominate, and those are usually male, American/Western European/and one notable Australian.
>>> We lose the majority of opinions for cultural or quiet reasons.
>> Count me as a westerner representing an Asian company, please.
>> It was not that easy for our candidate to run for the AB and he was, we were ready to face a negative result. That's the election game.
>> All things have positive _and_ negative effects, you outlined the potential negative ones. But stats could also help a Member see if its campaign and/or candidate was the right one, help improve it for next election. Without that feedback loop, none of us is able to really understand if we missed the election by a little or by far. I faced that problem when I ran a few years ago and missed it.
>> I was not elected and I had no idea if I was far away from being elected or not, something rather important to know.
>> I am not at all decreasing the value of your comment, Ann. The issues you describe are real ones and I understand AB candidates are nominated by a Member, usually their employer who asked (hear "ordered") them to run...
>> </Daniel>
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David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2014 18:21:21 UTC