Re: ACTION REQUIRED: Call for Consensus: Proposed Process Change Regarding TAG Participation Rules; Respond by December 8, 2014

On 11/12/14 15:26, Sam Ruby wrote:

> Taking David's original example: is there anyone here would be opposed
> to instituting a rule that no more that 5 of the TAG participants be a
> white male?  After all, wouldn't it be prudent to institute such a rule?

It could be worse, they could all 5 be of french descent...

> But that's not the direction I would suggest that the W3C take further.
>   I still think that a better approach do diversity is to change the
> election system in ways that are currently being evaluated.  That plus
> the feedback look that Daniel is describing should be what is pursued.

Thanks. This is a vote after all; let's trust the AC to _not_ vote for
too many individuals coming from the same employer.

Dan said in his last message we have a rather good consensus. On a weak
and good enough compromise, yes. On the best solution, I'm not sure.


Received on Thursday, 11 December 2014 14:50:42 UTC