If "Activity" overview type docs went away, would anyone notice?

[ Bcc public-w3process ]

Hello Fellow AC Reps,

In Case You Missed It ([0]), the w3process group has already removed 
"Activities" from the latest Editor's Draft of `Process Document 2015` 
[1]. "Activity? What's an Activity?" you ask. Well if you don't know, 
you can probably stop reading now ;-) (or see [2]).

In issue-108 below, Chaals effectively asks "since the w3process group 
agreed to remove activities, should there still be some type of 
requirement to provide similar documentation every so often, for example 
at the bi-annual AC meetings?".

I don't think I have read an Activity Statement since I was an AC Newbie 
(many years ago) so if that type of info went away, that would be fine 
with me (especially in the spirit of helping the Consortium focus on 
higher priority work). That said, I think the Highlights and Fact Sheet 
docs that Ian publishes before AC meetings are very helpful and, for me, 
they satisfy the `activity statement` requirement.

What do other AC reps think (about the Subject: and the Issue below)?

-Thanks, AB

[0] <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-forum/2014JulSep/0156.html>
[1] <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/AB/raw-file/default/cover.html>
[2] <http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/#Activities>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	w3process-ISSUE-108 (Activity updates): Continue requiring 
updated information on work every six months? [Dashboard]
Resent-Date: 	Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:54:36 +0000
Resent-From: 	public-w3process@w3.org
Date: 	Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:54:33 +0000
From: 	Revising W3C Process Community Group Issue Tracker 
Reply-To: 	Revising W3C Process Community Group <public-w3process@w3.org>
To: 	public-w3process@w3.org

w3process-ISSUE-108 (Activity updates): Continue requiring updated information on work every six months? [Dashboard]


Raised by: Charles McCathie Nevile
On product: Dashboard

Currently the Process Document says Activity Statements SHOULD be updated before every AC meeting. Do we want to keep this requirement in some form, strengthen it, or can it be dropped from the Process?

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2014 18:46:45 UTC