RE: w3process-ISSUE-36: Should the waiting period required by the Patent Policy be changed? [Process Document]

-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barstow [] 
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 7:33 AM
To: Revising W3C Process Community Group
Subject: Re: w3process-ISSUE-36: Should the waiting period required by the Patent Policy be changed? [Process Document]

On 7/8/13 10:26 AM, ext Revising W3C Process Community Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> w3process-ISSUE-36: Should the waiting period required by the Patent 
> Policy be changed? [Process Document]

 (If the PP truly is in play for this group [isn't that PSIG's domain?], 
then please create a new `product` for the PP and move this Issue to 
that product.)

SZ: By its charter, section 3, Scope, "The PSIG will not issue new policies" so such changes are not in the PSIG's domain. The change being discussed, is to shorten the PP Section 4.1 150 day Exclusion "review period" following a First Public Working Draft to be 90 days. This proposal has been sent to PSIG for feedback and depending on that feedback, the AB proposes to ballot a new Patent Policy with only that change. Creating a Group to do that seems like overkill. This change is, furthermore, related to trying to make the W3C Process (as expressed in the W3C Process Document) more agile.

Received on Monday, 8 July 2013 17:17:44 UTC