w3process-ISSUE-78 (Redundant Rescindment Requirements): Requirements for public discussion and wide review of rescindment request are redundant [Document life cycle (ch 7)]

w3process-ISSUE-78 (Redundant Rescindment Requirements): Requirements for public discussion and wide review of rescindment request are redundant [Document life cycle (ch 7)]


Raised by: Ian Jacobs
On product: Document life cycle (ch 7)

In relation to the section on rescinding recommendations Ian wrote in http://www.w3.org/mid/CFE36B99-1937-41DD-999B-7F9A6B4C22ED@w3.org>

 There is confusion in this section about requests and proposals. For example,
 the document says:
   "In addition a Working Group proposing to rescind
     must show that the request to rescind has received wide review"
 What wide review are we talking about? Does this mean that there
 needs to have been some discussion BEFORE the group requests that the
 spec be rescinded? If so then the second bullet, which says "the
 request to rescind is based on public comment" covers that. If "wide review"
 refers to the review period about to start, then I don't understand.

I propose to actually remove the should requirement. At least one of them is pretty much redundant...

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 10:48:56 UTC