w3process-ISSUE-75 (Announcing transitions): How and to whom are transitions announced? [Document life cycle (ch 7)]

w3process-ISSUE-75 (Announcing transitions): How and to whom are transitions announced? [Document life cycle (ch 7)]


Raised by: Ian Jacobs
On product: Document life cycle (ch 7)

Ian writes in http://www.w3.org/mid/CFE36B99-1937-41DD-999B-7F9A6B4C22ED@w3.org

  The draft says: "The Director must announce the publication of a
  First Public Working Draft publication to other W3C groups and to
  the public." In practice we do not announce publications to other
  W3C groups other than via the home page (which is to the public).  I
  have also not heard requests for a second type of announcement to
  groups. Therefore, I propose to delete "to other W3C groups and"

But there are various other places where announcements are required (probably even beyond chapter 7, so I may re-scope this issue after dealing with chapter 7).

My feeling is that chairs should get announcements to working groups, and that transitions are the sort of thing they should get.

I also feel the process should be fairly specific about how announcements are made. People should be able to read and learn what they *need* to watch in order to get the announcements directed at them. I don't expect to limit how announcements are made - just set some minimum requirements.

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 10:29:40 UTC