[voiceinteraction] minutes October 9, 2024

and below as text
Note that the next call will be in two weeks, October 23.

      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

09 October 2024

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2024/10/09-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, gerard





    1. [3]Summary of action items

Meeting minutes

   dirk: Robin's paper should help us figure out which kinds of
   assistants exist

   Value Co-creation in smart services: a functional affordances

   (Dirk's presentation will be posted to the mailing list)

   dirk: smart personal assistant doesn't need to be personal
   . there is not an agreeded upon term
   . material properties are important, there's a taxonomy in the

   debbie: not sure how a robot would it into the hardware slot

   gerard: how does the sharing of your personal data with a cloud
   provider fit into this?

   dirk: handling of personal data doesn't fit, but that's the
   only thing I can think of

   could add a row for data sharing

   dirk: don't share, share encrypted to trusted parties, or share

   dirk: vectorized the SPA's and clustered them
   . reviews the clusters
   . five clusters, passive observers, chatbots, virtual
   anthropomorphic advisors
   . cluster 3 is the most common
   . 4th cluster is voice facilitators
   . can also control objects in a smart home
   . cluster 6 is general activity assistants, like Alexa

   dirk: the interesting part is the 5 clusters

   dirk: what is the difference between voice facilitators and
   general activity assistants
   . perhaps adaptability
   . also voice facilitators are bound to a domain

   dirk: we should acknowledge that there are different kinds of
   agents and refer to them in our papers

   debbie: we could eliminate some clusters

   dirk: chatbots

   debbie: cluster 2, 3

   gerard: a personal assistant should not be shared with other

   dirk: also in-scope are clusters 4 and 5

   debbie: we have to think of more user-friendly names
   . maybe cluster 4 and cluster 5 could have the same name

   debbie: our standards could apply to several clusters

   dirk: we should think about that

   debbie: we need to capture the personal/general assistant

   gerard: a personal assistant should not be shared

   dirk: two meanings of personal, one belongs to the user, also
   the personal assistant could adapt but the data could be shared
   . personal means that it knows the user
   . and it knows how the user acts

   dirk: this can cause some confusion

   dirk: user-adaptive means the ability to adapt to the user

   dirk: data shared outside the device

   debbie: they could add the row and recluster

   ACTION: dirk to respond to Robin's about the discussion today

   debbie: they could also include LLMs

Summary of action items

    1. [4]dirk to respond to Robin's about the discussion today

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2024 17:13:17 UTC