[voiceinteraction] minutes February 27, 2020


and below as text



      [1] http://www.w3.org/


                               - DRAFT -


                   Voice Interaction Community Group


27 Feb 2020





          dirk, debbie












     * [2]Topics

     * [3]Summary of Action Items

     * [4]Summary of Resolutions



   <scribe> Scribe: Debbie


   debbie: looking at



   ... what about multimodal applications?


      [5] https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice interaction


   dirk: this could be covered by local commands

   ... text chatbots should fit into this architecture

   ... eventually multimodal should be supported, but now we will

   cover voice


   debbie: VoiceXML as a potential standard for dialog management


   dirk: we should add that


   debbie: change "potentially related standards" to "potentially

   related standards and proposals", so we can include JROSI


   dirk: will add


   debbie: could "IPA Client" be a browser?


   dirk: could include HTML


   debbie: other group [6]https://www.w3.org/community/conv/

   ... conversational interfaces

   ... should we update walk-through of use case?


      [6] https://www.w3.org/community/conv/


   dirk: probably not necessary for now


   debbie: we should publish this, should we make changes first?


   dirk: can make changes


   debbie: will double check language

   ... should publish before SpeechTEK

   ... should also invite Open Voice Network to review

   ... when we publish we should put something on social media

   ... try to get SpeechTEK and AVIOS to tweet about it


   dirk: will write something on LinkedIn


   debbie: send to the group for approval by the middle of next


   ... we can give them 48 hours


   dirk: what roles are involved, like user, developer, IPA



   debbie: we can put in a section that says they will be

   discussed in a future draft

   ... should also be thinking about the SpeechTEK presentation


   dirk: they want it by April 1

   ... next step will be to refine this document

   ... next call is March 12, in two weeks


Summary of Action Items


Summary of Resolutions


   [End of minutes]




Received on Thursday, 27 February 2020 15:45:23 UTC