RE: Voice Interaction Community Group -- getting started

Hey there,


I would be curious to hear about your ideas Emmett.


I am Dirk and I am working in the automotive industry to improve the current
situation of interacting with the infotainment system by voice. Apart from
that I created an open source voice browser JVoiceXML that I also use in
conjunction with other modalities following the W3C MMI architecture. 


However, I believe that current systems should go beyond the traditional
state-based approaches to allow for more natural interaction. Emment's
conversation management issues may help here. 





From: Emmett [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: Voice Interaction Community Group -- getting started


Hello all,


I have just joined the group and look forward to many interesting
conversations with all of you in the voice interaction community. I am
particularly interested in the conversation management issues and plan to
throw some ideas out next week.

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2016 09:59:51 UTC