List of commonly used property names when used as *inverse*?


In Social WG we currently only use JSON-LD as normative serialization. I
just suggested that instead of defining tons of inverse properties in
vocabulary(ies), we can simply define aliases for them in JSON-LD context.

Myself I already do it on my website which uses as base and
extends it with other vocabularies. Currently I define in JSON-LD @context.

"attendeeIn": { "@reverse": "attendee" }

And as of today I start adding

"authorOf": { "@reverse": "author" }
"subjectOf": { "@reverse": "about" }

( leaving out now issue with not using "@type": "@id" )

Would you see it making sense to maintained list of such recommended
names for properties when used as inverse?

Example of one from The PROV Ontology


Received on Monday, 30 March 2015 08:31:36 UTC