Re: Proposal for extension mechanism

One quick question... For reviewed extensions, who does the review and who
decides when it's ready to be accepted as a reviewed extension? What is the
On Feb 13, 2015 1:36 PM, "Guha" <> wrote:

> extension mechanism
> Motivation
>    As adoption has grown, a number groups with more
> specialized vocabularies have expressed interest in extending
> with their terms. The most prominent example of this is GS1 with product
> vocabularies. Other examples include real estate, medical and bibliographic
> information. Even in something as common as human names, there are groups
> interested creating the vocabulary for representing all the intricacies of
> names.
> Outline of solution
> There are two kinds of extensions: reviewed extensions and external
> extensions. Both kinds of extensions typically add subclasses and
> properties to the core. Properties may be added to existing and/or new
> classes. More generally, they are an overlay on top of the core, and so
> they may add domains/ranges, superclasses, etc. as well. Extensions have to
> be consistent with the core Every item in the core (i.e.,
> is also in every extension. Extensions might overlap with
> each other in concepts (e.g., two extensions defining terms for financial
> institutions, one calling it FinancialBank and other calling it
> FinancialInstitution), but we should not have the same term being reused to
> mean something completely different (e.g., we should not have two
> extensions, one using Bank to mean river bank and the other using Bank to
> mean financial institution).
> Reviewed Extensions
> Each reviewed extension (say, e1), gets its own chunk of
> namespace: The items in that extension are created and
> maintained by the creators of that extension.  Reviewed extensions are very
> different from proposals. A proposal, if accepted, with modifications could
> either go into the core or become a reviewed extension.
> A reviewed extension is something that has been looked at and discussed by
> the community, albeit not as much as something in the core. We also expect
> a reviewed extension to have strong community support, preferably in the
> form of a few deployments.
> External Extensions
> Sometimes there might be a need for a third party (such as an app
> developer) to create extensions specific to their application. For example,
> Pinterest might want to extend the concept of ‘Sharing’ with
> ‘Pinning’. In such a case, they can create and put
> up their extensions, specifying how it links with core We
> will refer to these as external extensions.
> How it works for webmasters
> All of core and all of the reviewed extensions will be
> available from the website. Each extension will be linked to
> from each of the touch points it has with the core. So, if an extension
> (say, having to do with Legal stuff) creates
> which is a subclass of, the Person will link to
> LegalPerson.  Typically, a webpage / email will use only a single extension
> (e.g., legal), in which case, instead of ‘’ they say ‘
>’ and use all of the vocabulary in and
> As appropriate, the main site will also link to relevant
> external extensions. With external extensions, the use of multiple
> namespaces is unavoidable.
> What does someone creating an extension need to do
>  We would like extension creators to not have to worry about running a
> website for their extension. Once the extension is approved, they simply
> upload a file with their extension into a certain directory on github.
> Changes are made through the same mechanism.
> Since the source code for is publicly available, we encourage
> creators of external extensions to use the same application.
> Examples
> Archives example in RDFa
> This example uses a type that makes sense for archival and bibliographic
> applications but which is not currently in the core:
> Microform, defined as "Any form, either film or paper, containing
> microreproductions of documents for transmission, storage, reading, and
> printing. (Microfilm, microfiche, microcards, etc.)"
> The extension type is taken from,
> (which on this proposed model would move to which is a
> version of the opensource codebases that overlays
> bibliographic extras onto the core types. The example is
> adapted from
> <div vocab="">
>    <p typeof="Book" resource="">
>        <em property="name">The Fellowship of the Rings</em> was written by
>        <span property="author">J.R.R Tolkien</span> and was originally
> published
>        in the <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
>            <span property="location">United Kingdom</span> by
>            <span property="name">George Allen & Unwin</span>
>        </span> in <time property="datePublished">1954</time>.
>        The book has been republished many times, including editions by
>        <span property="workExample" typeof="Book">
>            <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
>                <span property="name">HarperCollins</span>
>            </span> in <time property="datePublished">1974</time>
>            (ISBN: <span property="isbn">0007149212</span>)
>        </span> and by
>        <span property="workExample" typeof="Book Microform">
>            <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
>                <span property="name">Microfiche Press</span>
>            </span> in <time property="datePublished">2016</time>
>            (ISBN: <span property="isbn">12341234</span>).
>        </span>
>    </p>
> </div>
> Alternative RDFa:
> The example above puts all data into the extension namespace. Although
> this can be mapped back into normal it puts more work onto
> consumers. Here is how it would look using multiple vocabularies:
> <div vocab="" prefix="bib:">
>    <p typeof="Book" resource="">
>        <em property="name">The Fellowship of the Rings</em> was written by
>        <span property="author">J.R.R Tolkien</span> and was originally
> published
>        in the <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
>            <span property="location">United Kingdom</span> by
>            <span property="name">George Allen & Unwin</span>
>        </span> in <time property="datePublished">1954</time>.
>        The book has been republished many times, including editions by
>        <span property="workExample" typeof="Book">
>            <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
>                <span property="name">HarperCollins</span>
>            </span> in <time property="datePublished">1974</time>
>            (ISBN: <span property="isbn">0007149212</span>)
>        </span> and by
>        <span property="workExample" typeof="Book bib:Microform">
>            <span property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
>                <span property="name">Microfiche Press</span>
>            </span> in <time property="datePublished">2016</time>
>            (ISBN: <span property="isbn">12341234</span>).
>        </span>
>    </p>
> </div>
> Here is that last approach written in JSON-LD (it works today, but would
> be even more concise if the JSON-LD context file was updated
> to declare the 'bib' extension):
> <script type="application/ld+json">
> {
>  "@context": [ "",
>       { "bib": "" } ],
>  "@id": "",
>  "@type": "Book",
>  "name": "The Fellowship of the Rings",
>  "author": "J.R.R Tolkien",
>  "publisher": {
>     "@type": "Organization",
>  },
>  "location": "United Kingdom",
>  "name": "George Allen & Unwin",
> },
>  "datePublished": "1954",
>  "workExample": {
>    "@type": "Book",
>    "name": "Harper Collins",
>    "datePublished": "1974",
>    "isbn": "0007149212"
>  },
>  "workExample": {
>    "@type": ["Book", "bib:Microform"],
>    "name": "Microfiche Press",
>    "datePublished": "2016",
>    "isbn": "12341234"
>  }
> }
> </script>
> GS1 Example
> <script type="application/ld+json">
> {
>    "@context": "",
>    "@vocab": "",
>    "@id": "",
>    "gtin13": "5011476100885",
>    "@type": "TradeItem",
>    "tradeItemDescription": "Deliciously crunchy Os, packed with 4 whole
> grains. Say Yes to Cheerios",
>    "healthClaimDescription": "8 Vitamins & Iron, Source of Calcium & High
> in Fibre",
>    "hasAllergenRelatedInformation": {
>        "@type": "gs1:AllergenRelatedInformation",
>        "allergenStatement": "May contain nut traces"
>    },
>    "hasIngredients": {
>        "@type": "gs1:FoodAndBeverageIngredient",
>        "hasIngredientDetail": [
>            {
>                "@type": "Ingredient",
>                "ingredientseq": "1",
>                "ingredientname": "Cereal Grains",
>                "ingredientpercentage": "77.5"
>            },
>            {
>                "@type": "Ingredient",
>                "ingredientseq": "2",
>                "ingredientname": "Whole Grain OATS",
>                "ingredientpercentage": "38.0"
>            }
>      ]
>    },
>    "nutrientBasisQuantity": {
>        "@type": "Measurement",
>        "value": "100",
>        "unit": "GRM"
>    },
>    "energyPerNutrientBasis": [
>        {
>            "@type": "Measurement",
>            "value": "1615",
>            "unit": "KJO"
>        },
>        {
>            "@type": "Measurement",
>            "value": "382",
>            "unit": "E14"
>        }
>    ],
>    "proteinPerNutrientBasis": {
>        "@type": "Measurement",
>        "value": "8.6",
>        "unit": "GRM"
>    }
> }
> </script>
> This example shows a possible encoding of the GS1 schemas overlaid onto
> It uses JSON-LD syntax, which would support several
> variations on this approach. It is based on examples from GS1's proposal
> circulated to the community recently.
> (
> Instead of writing
>    "@context": "",   "@vocab": "",
> it would be possible to simply write "@context": "".

Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 00:54:22 UTC