Re: missing VAT identification number?

Sorry, it seems it is vatID <>  so, not missing
(!)... Little problem in the use of very similar property, taxID
perhaps an error in the text
*    "or the CIF/NIF in Spain" *
because CIF/NIF is a *vatID*  (not a *taxID*),
so, or the error is at the example, or the error is a kind of duplication,

2015-02-19 19:28 GMT-02:00 Peter Krauss <>:

> In there are legalName
> <>, but no option to express the document
> where the *legalName* was registered, the "VAT-indentification-number
> oficial document <>"
> (VATIN)... And, when expressing the company's code, there are no property
> to express the VATIN number.
> - - -
> Example, for Brazil the VATIN document is named "*CNPJ*", and for United
> Kingdom (UK)  VATIN document is named "*VAT Reg No*".
> *CNPJ* is the official document for check company's *legalName* and
> number in Brazil;  *VAT Reg No *is the official document for check
> company's  *legalName* and number in UK.

Received on Saturday, 21 February 2015 19:59:59 UTC