- From: Alex M <tech.guy415@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 21:27:25 -0600
- To: W3C Web Schemas Task Force <public-vocabs@w3.org>, "schema.org Mailing List" <public-schemaorg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CABzdpQnvBMBm2RVpbuKsUMN68xG0RQBgsiW7Y2B-XL30YcQ6pw@mail.gmail.com>
Here is another effort for attractions. I used PostalAddress to be more specific even though the address Region is a Province. Again, what does not validate is the @list. Your feedback is highly appreciated. Is there a way to state that the attraction is a National Park, a beach, an animal sanctuary? We have about 310 attractions so it is going to be fun! I still have tons of information that I did not include, should I include everything I have? Like best time to visit would be good ... <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "TravelAction", "fromLocation": { "@type": "Country", "@list": [ {"name": "USA"}, {"name": "Canada"}, {"name": "United Kingdom"}, {"name": "Australia"}, {"name": "Ireland"}, {"name": "Japan"}, {"name": "China"}, {"name": "New Zealand"}, {"name": "France"}, {"name": "Italy"}, {"name": "England"} ] }, "toLocation": { "@type": "Country", "name": "Costa Rica" }, "location": { "@type": "TouristAttraction", "name": "Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve", "url": " http://costarica.com/attractions/santa-elena-cloud-forest-reserve/", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressCountry": "Costa Rica", "addressLocality": "Monteverde", "addressRegion": "Puntarenas", "streetAddress": "4 miles from Santa Elena", "telephone": "506-2645-5390" }, "description": "Dew clings to the fuzzy, green moss that envelops every tree trunk and vine hanging in the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve. Droplets hanging perilously from the fuzz refract the morning light before dropping to the forest floor, wet with fallen leaves. There are few places on earth that so eloquently illuminate the power and beauty of nature than underneath the canopy in the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve where eight miles of trails weave through the 765 acres of vast, immersive cloud forest.", "OpeningHoursSpecification": "7 a.m.-4 p.m. daily", "aggregateRating": "10", "globalLocationNumber": "GEO NUMBER", "photo": { "@list": [ {"url": "/images/img1.jpg"}, {"url": "/images/img2.jpg"}, {"url": "/images/img3.jpg"} ] } } } </script>
Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 03:27:54 UTC